Paris to Bayeux by train

Paris to Bayeux

Are you looking for a way to get from Paris to Bayeux or from Bayeux to Paris without a big hassle? This article provides information on all the different ways you can travel from Paris, the city of love, to Bayeux, the historic city in Normandy. There are different options available to you, and it is important to research which is the best for you. We will talk about each, train, car rental, or transportation and what you can expect when taking each of them. You should definitely check out our ultimate guide to get from Paris to Bayeux!

How to get from Paris to Bayeux

Paris to Bayeux Travel Tips

If you are planning a trip to Normandy, you may want to consider to visit Bayeux. Bayeux is a famous and popular destination in France for its most iconic landmark, the Bayeux tapestry. Here you will find information on how to take the train, how to take the car, how long it takes, and what to expect on the journey. The best travel options for getting from Paris to Bayeux are taking the train or traveling by car.

What is the distance between Bayeux and Paris?

The straight line distance between Bayeux and Paris is 227 kilometers. The miles-based distance is 141.4 miles.

Map Paris to Bayeux

Map Paris to Bayeux


Paris to Bayeux by train

Paris to Bayeux train station

The Paris-Bayeux train leaves from the Paris Gare Saint-Lazare, located in the northwest of Paris (adress: 13 Rue d'Amsterdam, 75008 Paris). Arrival station: Bayeux is the main terminal station for people traveling to or from Bayeux (adress: Pl. de la Gare, 14400 Bayeux).

Public transport options from here include buses, and taxis.

TRAIN SCHEDULE and timetable

Train timetable from Paris to Bayeux.

Train tickets from Paris to Bayeux

Find the best Train tickets from Paris to Bayeux.

Paris to Bayeux by train: Daily departures

The best way to travel from Paris to Bayeux is by train. There are 13 routes per day. There are 13 trains to Bayeux from Paris per day with the last train departing at 21:11 and the first train arriving at 06:55.

How long is the journey by train from Paris to Bayeux?

The average time it takes to travel from Paris to Bayeux by train is 2 hours and 26 minutes. The shortest route time is 2 hours and 21 minutes.

How much does it cost to travel from Paris to Bayeux?

The price of traveling from Paris to Bayeux varies depending on the train ticket. A one-way ticket from Paris to Bayeux can cost around €15 when you book in advance.

Paris to Bayeux trains: Services onboard

The TER trains are the cheapest way to get from Paris to Bayeux. The first-class tickets offer extra amenities and services on board, while the second-class tickets are cheaper and offer less amenities. The trains have comfortable seats and toilets on board.

How to find cheap train tickets from Paris to Bayeux

Consider pricing for the best price. When you are searching for train tickets, it's very important to consider what other options exist and how much they cost. The further advance, you book your train tickets from Paris to Bayeux, the cheaper they will be. The cheapest time for booking a train ticket from Paris to Bayeux is a month before the journey. An indirect train can save a lot of money on travel costs, but it requires planning and research. By choosing the right train, you can reduce your travel costs.

Paris Bayeux train alternative: travel by car

Paris to Bayeux drive

You can drive from Paris to Bayeux. It's a major route in France and there are plenty of signs that will tell you where to go.

Paris has set up a complex set of driving regulations in an attempt to reduce pollution. If your car has a "Crit'Air 5" sticker on the windshield, you won't be allowed to drive inside the A86 highway and if your car is "Crit'Air 4" you need to stay out of heavy traffic between 8am and 8pm.

The quickest route to Bayeux is via the A14 and A13/E5 highways. It will take 163 miles (263 km) to drive from Paris to Bayeux.

Depending on the driving efficiency of the car, gas will cost around $15 to $35. It is necessary to include tolls, which cost around $20 (25€).

How long is the drive between Paris and Bayeux?

There is a drive from Paris to Bayeux which takes 2 hours and 31 minutes in normal traffic.

How do you drive from Paris to Bayeux?

Car rental agencies in France have the option to rent GPS. If you want to take a more scenic route, you can select your own waypoints to follow. It's best to prepare for the drive, and it's possible to save yourself time and money by bringing your own GPS. You'll be on the road in no time, avoiding any traffic jams that are common in France. We recommend Waze and Google Maps. When Google Maps and Waze are not available, you can still drive to Bayeux from Paris using a portable GPS with an updated map of France. You should download a map of France into your smartphone.

Paris to Bayeux road trip

If you’re taking a road trip from Paris to Bayeux, we’ve got you covered. We compiled a list of great stops you can make along the way:

  1. Versailles
  2. Claude Monet's Garden
  3. Notre-Dame de Louviers
  4. Caen

Bayeux France car rental

Car rentals are very affordable and the convenience of having your own car is worth the cost. You can always rent a car in Paris. There are car rental services at the airport if needed or in Bayeux. The best option is to book online.

Car hire in Paris:

Car hire in Bayeux:

Paris Bayeux car service

Paris to Bayeux

Are you looking for a way to get to Bayeux with ease and comfort? Are you looking for a little extra privacy? Would you like a transfer that offers sightseeing opportunities? If so, you must choose a car service! If you're looking for a private, hassle-free way to travel between Paris and Bayeux, this Chauffeur-driven Transfer Service has just what you need. It's fast, cheaper than a taxi or cab and flexible. They will pick you up at your hotel, apartment, or airport gate in Paris and drop you off in Bayeux. No matter how you travel, the driver will be waiting for you with a friendly "Welcome Aboard" gesture. Don't let the word "private" fool you. This is a very affordable option that's not only convenient but also flexible. The price includes all fees like gas and tolls. All you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Book your transfer from Paris to Bayeux today!

Book my car service from Paris to Bayeux


We have outlined the options to travel from Paris to Bayeux and suggested which option may be the best one for you. Different options can be taken depending on your personal preferences. The cheapest is by train. If you can drive, and want to visit the different attractions along the way the second cheapest option would be renting a car. If you want to be free, book a transfer. We hope this article helped you decide on what option is best for your trip. Let us know what your decision ended up being and how we can help make your trip better!