Even More ways to travel from Nice to St Tropez

Nice to St Tropez

St Tropez is a city found on the French Riviera. It's known for its beaches and clubs that attract celebrities, wealthy people and locals who want to party all day. If you're planning a trip from Nice to St Tropez , you'll have plenty of options for how to get there. When it comes to travel, everyone has different preferences. Whether you choose to take the train, car, or ferry, we will make sure to provide all the necessary information so that you can make the best decision for your travel needs.

St Tropez from Nice travel tips

Saint-Tropez Nice map

Saint-Tropez Nice map

How far is St Tropez from Nice?

The distance between Nice and Saint-Tropez is 62 miles (100km), and the duration of the trip will depend on the transportation you choose.

How to get from Nice to St Tropez?

There are three routes to get from Nice to Saint-Tropez, by car, ferry or train. If you choose the train instead of other options, you will then have to take a bus, taxi or ferry to reach your final destination.

Nice to St Tropez train

Nice to St tropez train

Is there a direct train from Nice to St Tropez?

There are a few things to keep in mind when travelling from Nice to Saint-Tropez by train:

There is no direct train connection between Nice and Saint-Tropez, the destination is St Raphael Valescure station, and the trip takes about 1 hour.

Train itinerary

Next you have the choice between taking a bus, a taxi, or a ferry to continue your journey:

Nice to Saint Tropez by car

Can I drive from Nice to Saint-Tropez?

You can drive from Nice to Saint-Tropez, it takes approximately 1.5 hours or more, depending on the traffic. The cost of the trip will be around €20 in total, Gas will cost between €10 and €15 and Toll about €9. The drive is very scenic, and there are some good places to stop along the way.

Nice to St Tropez rental car

When you rent a car, you will have the freedom to explore everything that Saint-Tropez and the surrounding areas have to offer. Renting a car from Nice to St tropez is a great option, but it's important to make sure you have a valid driver's license and insurance in France. You can find driving directions online or use a GPS. Traffic can be bad during peak tourist season, so make sure to plan your route ahead of time. There are a number of public parking, just be sure to pay attention to the signs.

Car hire in Paris

Car hire in Reims

Transfer from Nice to St Tropez

If you're looking for a fast, luxurious and comfortable way to travel between St tropez and Nice in the south of France, booking a private transfer is a good option. You can choose the schedule that works best for you, and your driver will pick you up right at your doorstep. Plus, you'll be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery as you make your way to your destination. The private transfer duration between Nice to St Tropez is 1 hour and 30 minutes without traffic, but there's no need to rush. You don't have to think about the parking, you can customize your journey with scenic itineraries and stopovers arranged ahead of time. So why not take your time and relax on the journey? Booking a car service is the most convenient and stress-free way to travel.

Day trip from Nice to Saint Tropez: Recommended stops

On the road from Nice to Saint Tropez, there are a few recommended sightseeings. The Mougins Museum of Classical Art is an interesting stop , and the Chateau Sainte Roseline is also worth a visit.

Nice to St tropez Ferry

Ferry informations

Ferries are a fun and affordable way to travel around the Riviera. They offer beautiful views of the coastline, and cliffs. The ferries depart daily from Nice Port at 9 AM and return at 7 PM. The journey takes arround 2 hours and 30 minutes each way. The ferries are available only from May to October, so be sure to plan your trip accordingly! The ferry terminal in Nice is located at the Port of Nice, which is a short walk from the city center.

Benefits of taking a ferry

There are a number of benefits associated with taking a ferry from Nice to Saint-Tropez. For starters, it is a great way to enjoy the beautiful Riviera coastline. It also provides an opportunity to experience life on the open water and relax in the sun while travelling. Additionally, ferries often have a more leisurely pace than other forms of transportation, which can be enjoyable for those looking to take their time getting to their destination.


Compare travel options and prices to find best route from Nice to Saint-Tropez

There are several ways to travel from Nice to Saint-Tropez, and the best way will depend on your budget and schedule. If you're taking a ferry, be sure to check the schedule in advance, as they can be limited. You can also take a train from Nice to St Raphael Valescure , and then take a bus, taxi or ferry from there to Saint Tropez. The French Riviera is a beautiful coastline, and there are many tour options available if you want to see more of the area. The cost of transportation will vary depending on your chosen method, but overall, taking the car is the fastest and most convenient option. Once in St Tropez, there are plenty of things to see and do. The town is famous for its beaches, luxury shops, and celebrity visitors. There are also plenty of restaurants and bars to enjoy, as well as a lively nightlife scene, enjoy!