How to get from Paris to Strasbourg by train, Car, Bus and more

Paris to Strasbourg

If you're looking for a way to get from Paris to Strasbourg, you've come to the right place. Strasbourg is a great weekend getaway from Paris. The city is beautiful and has a lot of historical landmarks that you can visit. This article will help you find the best way to get in Strasbourg from Paris, based on your needs and preferences. You can choose from train, bus, car, and even private transfer. We will provide you with detailed information on each mode of transportation so that you can make the best choice for you. Whether you're looking for a quick and easy trip, or you want to explore the area while you're on your way, this guide has you covered.

How to get from Paris to Strasbourg

Paris to Strasbourg travel tips

Paris Strasbourg map

Strasbourg is a city in Eastern France that is well known for its history and culture. It is a great place to visit if you want to learn more about the traditions and culture of Alsace, which is the Grand Est region where Strasbourg is located.

How far is Strasbourg from Paris?

The distance between Paris and Strasbourg is 397km (246mi). There are a number of ways to travel between Paris and Strasbourg, including train, car, bus, plane, or private transfer. We will look at how to take the train, car, and bus and compare these different options. The best way to get from Paris to Strasbourg is by taking the train, but other options can provide advantages in specific situations.


Paris to Strasbourg train

Paris to Strasbourg train

Is there a direct train from Paris to Strasbourg?

Yes there is direct trains from Paris to Strasbourg. The direct route takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes. The departure times are frequent, so you can leave at any time and still get there on the same day.

How many trains are there between paris and strasbourg? There are approximately over 10 different routes per day leaving Paris for Strasbourg.

Where does the train depart from in Paris?

The Paris to Strasbourg trains departs from Paris Gare de l’Est. Located in the 10th arrondissement (adress: Place du 11 novembre 1918 75010 Paris). The train station has connections to many different types of transportation, including trains and buses.

Train between Paris and strasbourg arrival station

The Strasbourg train station (Gare Centrale) is where the trains from Paris arrive. The train station is 1 kilometer east of the city center ( adress: 14-15 PL de la Gare, 67000 Strasbourg)

How much does the train from paris to strasbourg cost?

The cost of a train ticket from Paris to Strasbourg ranges from 50 to 110€. The price varies depending on a number of factors. The most important ones are when you purchase your ticket. Generally, the earlier you buy your ticket, the cheaper it will be. This is because prices increase as demand goes up. In addition, slower trains tend to be more affordable than high-speed trains like SNCF. If your dates are flexible, try to find tickets for a date that has lower demand.

Paris to Strasbourg train tickets

Train tickets from Paris to Strasbourg


How to get from Paris to Strasbourg by bus

How long is the bus ride from paris to strasbourg?

The fastest bus between Paris and Strabourg takes 5 hours and 30 minutes. However, there may be delays depending on traffic.

How much does a bus ticket from paris to strasbourg cost?

Taking the bus from Paris to Strasbourg is often a cheaper option than travelling by train or car. The average price for a bus ticket from Paris to Strasbourg is often between 15 and 30€. The price of a bus ticket can vary depending on the time of year, so it is important to book early if you want to get the best deal. Additionally, booking your travel in advance will help ensure that you have a seat on the bus. There are different bus companies that offer routes between these two cities, so be sure to compare prices before you book.

Which bus companies travel from paris to strasbourg?

There are different bus companies that travel from Paris to Strasbourg. The most popular and well-known companies are Flixbus, blablabus and Eurolines. It is important to compare prices before booking your tickets.

Where to take the Bus from Paris to Strasbourg?

The bus from Paris to Strasbourg departs from Gare De Bercy Seine (adress: 208 quai Bercy, 75012 Paris) or gare routière GAlliéni for Eurolines. Arrival adress: Place de l’Étoile in Strasbourg.

Paris to Strasbourg by bus or by train?

The price of the ticket can vary depending on which mode of transportation you choose. The bus ticket is not always less expensive than the train ticket and the price of a bus ticket fluctuates. Additionally, the bus takes significantly longer to arrive at its destination than the train does it can take up to three times as long. If the most important point for you is the budget and if you are looking for a discounted price, be sure to compare the price of these two options before booking, because sometimes you can find a good deal for a train ticket!

How to get from Paris to Strasbourg by car


Paris to Strasbourg driving

If you're looking to drive, know that the journey from Paris to Strasbourg will take around 4 hours and 30 minutes. The distance of driving between the two cities is 304 miles (490 kilometers), and you can expect to pay around 40€ in tolls. You'll also need to budget for gas, which will cost around 50€ depending on your vehicle. You will have to take the A4 highway and it's a long drive from Paris to Strasbourg, so you'll need to make a few stops along the way.

Route from Paris to Strasbourg: road trip

We recommend taking the scenic route and stopping at some of beautiful sights along the road. You can make a road trip from Paris to Strasbourg. Here some sighsteeings you can enjoy:

  1. Moet et Chandon Champagne Cellars
  2. Reims
  3. Basilique Notre-Dame de l'Epine
  4. Fort Douaumont
  5. Metz
  6. Haut-Barr Castle

Strasbourg Car rental

You can always rent a car in Paris. There are rental services at the airport if needed or in Strasbourg. The best option is to book online, it often better prices, and it is easy to compare vehicles and pick the best deal.

Car hire in Paris:

Car hire in Bayeux:

Paris to Strasbourg car service

Car service Paris to Strasbourg

Booking a car service from Paris to Strasbourg online is easy. When you book, you can include some stops you would like to make along the way. A private transfer is comfortable but more expensive than taking the bus or train, but offer more flexibility and can be a great option for road trips.

Train alternative from Paris to Strasbourg Pros and Cons

TRAIN Fastest way to get to Strasbourg
(arround 1 hour and 45 minutes)
Can be expensive if you don't book in advance
BUS Often the cheaper option The trip takes long time
(arround 5 hours and 30 minutes)
CAR Possible to stop and visit some sighstseeings along the road Long drive
(arround 4 hours and 30 minutes)


There are a variety of ways to travel between Paris and Strasbourg. The fastest way is by taking the train. It is convenient and affordable. If you are looking for a cheaper option, the bus is often your best bet. Driving or booking a car service can be a great way to see some sights on the road, but keep in mind that it's more expensive and can take longer than taking the train.