How to Get from Paris to Reims by train, bus or car

Paris Reims

Maybe you're considering a day trip to Reims, but you're not sure how to get there. If you want to know about the different transportation options, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to get from Paris to Reims by train, bus or car. All can get you to your destination, but which one is the best for you? We'll take you through the pros and cons of each, so you can make the best decision. 

How to travel from Paris to Reims

The distance between Paris and Reims is about 144 kilometers. There are a few ways to get from Paris to Reims, but the three most popular options are train, car and bus. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consider what's most important to you before making a decision. The first option is to take the train, which will take about 45 minutes and is the best option if you want to arrive on time. The second option is by car, which will take 1 hour and 45 minutes and gives you the most flexibility to explore the area. The third option is to take the bus, which will take about 2 hours and is a more budget-friendly option.


Train from Paris to Reims

Paris to Reims by train

How long does it take to get from paris to reims by train?

There is a direct train from Paris to Reims that will take you directly to your destination in 45 minutes. The hight-speed train TGV ride is comfortable and efficient, so you can relax and enjoy the scenery while you travel.

Paris to Reims TRAIN SCHEDULE and timetable

Train timetable from Paris to Reims.

How many trains are there from paris to reims a day?

There are an average of 7 trains per day from Paris to Reims.

What is the main train station in Reims France?

The main train station in Reims is the Gare de Reims. It is located in the city centre. Adress: CR de la Gare, 51100 Reims.

How much does the train from paris to reims cost?

The train from Paris to Reims costs anywhere from €15 and €45, depending on a variety of factors. These include the time of day, route, and class you book. It's always a good idea to check in advance to get the best price on your train ticket.

The train is faster than the bus, but it can be more expensive. If you need to get to Reims as quickly as possible, then the train is probably your best bet. But if you're looking to save some money, then the bus might be a better option for you.

Paris to Reims by car

How long is the drive from paris to reims?

The drive from Paris to Reims is about 1 hour 30 min, but if you have time, there are lots of interesting stops along the way that can make your journey more enjoyable.

Driving tips from Paris to Reims

Here are some driving tips if you're planning on driving from Paris to Reims:

- The drive from Paris to Reims is about 90 minutes.

- Be sure to have a good map of the area or a GPS before you begin, as there are a few different routes you can take.

- Traffic can be heavy around Paris, so try to avoid rush hour if possible. If you're driving from Paris to Reims during rush hour, be prepared for a longer drive than the estimated 90 min.

- Once you get out of the city, the drive is relatively straightforward. However, be aware that there are a few toll roads.

It's important to note that France has a system of toll roads called 'peages'. The drive from Paris to Reims will cost you around €16 in gas, and you'll have to pay €12 in tolls. Make sure you're aware of these costs before making the trip, and plan accordingly. You can pay for your peage using cash or credit card.

Paris to Reims road trip

There are a few different ways to make a road trip from Paris to Reims, but if you're looking for the best stops along the way, here are a few suggestions: Val d'Europe Shopping Center, Meaux Cathedral, Chateau-Thierry Monument, Moet et Chandon Champagne Cellars, and Caverne du Dragon.

Starting your drive from Paris to Reims, the first stop on your list should be the Val d'Europe Shopping Center. It's a massive shopping center with plenty of stores and restaurants to keep you occupied. After that, make your way to Meaux Cathedral. It's an impressive gotich cathedral that's well worth a visit. Once you're done there, continue on to Chateau-Thierry Monument which is a memorial commemorating the Battle of Chateau-Thierry during World War I. Last but not least, finish up your trip at Moet et Chandon Champagne Cellars where you can enjoy some of the best champagne in the world.

Rent a car Reims

You might wonder if renting a vehicle in Reims or Paris is a good idea. Car rentals are a convenient solution for road trips, and renting a car is an excellent way to get around. Whether you're looking for a compact sedan, SUV, convertible, or sports car, the right rental option is always available. But be aware that the cost of renting a car may not be worth it if you're only going to be in Paris or Reims for a short period of time. In addition to paying for gas and toll roads, you have to pay a fee every time the car is used.

Here are a few tips that should make renting easier:

1. Always go for one of the cheapest options possible. If you have a long stay in mind, then we recommend going with weekly rentals, as they can be cheaper than daily ones.

2. The best way to find a good deal on car hire is to search online.

3. Be flexible! Rental companies often change the terms and conditions so make sure you take note before committing to anything. You’ll want to make sure that you know the exact dates and times you need to pick up or drop off your vehicle, and you may even wish to get insurance in case something happens while you’re driving around.

4. Don’t forget to check how much fuel you can use during a rental period. This varies depending on whether it’s diesel or petrol. If it’s a short-term rental, then ask for details when making the reservation. You don’t want to end up paying extra.

Car hire in Paris

Car hire in Reims

Transfer from Paris to Reims

If you don't feel comfortable driving in Paris traffic, you can also book a private transfer or a cab from Paris to Reims. A car service is more expensive than the other methods, but it is a more convenient option. The driver will pick you up at your doorstep and drive you to Reims. You can also select a stop along the way to visit sights that interest you.

Book my car service from Paris to Reims

Paris to Reims by bus

How long does it take from paris to reims by bus?

The journey from Paris to Reims by bus takes approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes. This may vary slightly depending on traffic conditions.

Bus Companies

There are many bus companies that cover bus service from Paris to Reims. FlixBus, BlaBlaBus, and TGV inOui are the three most popular bus companies. Buses in Paris leave from Bercy-Seine station, and arrives in the Champagne-Ardenne train station, near the city of Reims.

How much is the bus ticket between paris and reims?

The average price for a bus ticket between Paris and Reims is around US$5 - US$8. Taking the bus is cheaper than taking the train, but it takes longer. If you're on a tight budget, the bus is probably your best option. But if time is more of a concern for you, then the train might be worth the extra money.


We have outlined the three main options to get from Paris to Reims depending on your needs. The best option for you depends on the time you are available, how quick you need to get there and how much you are willing to spend. The fastest way to travel between the two cities is by train. If you have more time, you can take the bus or drive, however, the journey will take longer and the drive is more risky. Another good option is booking a private transfer, but this is the most expensive. We hope this article was helpful and gave you the information you needed to choose the best route from Paris to Reims!